Thursday, July 22, 2010

Top Six Elimination Performances

Group Performance (Choreographed by Kelley Abbey)
For starters, what a great rendition of this tired song. Good choice. Throughout the entire number, I could've sworn this was choreographed by Wade Robson... and that's most definitely a compliment to Kelley Abbey. It was seedy but still somewhat pretty, and it was definitely the best of the new choreographers to do a group number. There were very impressive moments (especially the "flew too high" moment), and very technical jazz/Broadway moments. But the smoothness and sultriness of the slinky points whenever everyone was dancing together were particularly engaging. A job well done to this new addition to the SYTYCD choreographers.

The Bottom Three: Billy, Jose, Robert
Well, well, well. All the Jose love seems to be wearing off, which makes me happy. He should be gone soon. I'm not surprised to see Robert in the bottom, since he's been there several times before on nights when he had good performances. He was saved from the bottom last week by the power of Travis's contemporary piece; unfortunately, he had no emotional piece to save him this week. I would've rather seen Kent in the bottom, but that'll never happen. I also don't really understand the love for Adechike. Who's voting for him? He is not that great of a dancer, and he has no personality. So let's talk solos. Robert... just bad. First of all, the shorts are too short. Secondly, it was just generic. There was nothing that indicated he was dancing for his life. And Jose? Give us something more. A lot of that looked like he just wasn't in control of his own body, like when he was squirming endlessly across the stage; was that supposed to happen? Or could he just not control himself? Weird.

And now... this stupid, stupid decision to keep everyone. Clearly, one of these dancers should go home. They've all been in the bottom more than once, and chances are good that next week at least 2 of these 3 people will be in the bottom again. Why prolong the inevitable? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see Billy dance at least one more week; but I can't help but see this as yet another ploy on the producers behalf. What will we see from Robert and/or Jose next week to keep them in the competition just a little longer? A routine about Jose's puppy getting run over by a car? What a crock.

The Guest Dancers: The ABT, "Don Quixote - Act 3 Pas de Deux"
Maybe this is the 4 year old girl in me coming out, but I freaking love dancing en pointe. It makes me slightly giddy. I still, to this day, don't understand how people can dance like that. I love it. While this wasn't the most exciting pas de deux to showcase, it was beautiful and impressive. And it's important to show classical ballet on this show, to expose the root of modern dance to the show's audience. The vast majority of people (especially young people) watching this show have never seen real ballet, and I love that SYTYCD can introduce people to a dying art and possibly help revive it.

Another Guest Dancer: DJ Smart
Who is this guy? I don't remember him from Vegas, but why the hell didn't he make the show? This solo was everything I love about dance: unique, strong, graceful, passionate, awe-inspiring, and magical. Just... wow. Brilliant.

The All Stars: Lauren and Neil, "Night of the Dancing Flame"
So this routine answered a burning question I've had all season: Neil is definitely holding back in dancing with this season's contestants. This is the Neil I know and love from season three. He is fire on stage: wild, uncontainable and bright. And how crazy is it to think that I'd forgotten about this routine? Just seeing a piece by Wade brings back memories of this show's strongest years, but to think that this was one of the less memorable routines of those seasons is ridiculous. It's a testament to how strong those dancers and choreographers really were, and how the quality has somewhat declined of late. But this was a great performance all-around.

Side Note: Jakob and Mollee aren't going on tour? I'm not going.

Side Note 2: Enrique Iglesias looks more and more like a female everytime I see him. And how many English-language albums does he have? Shouldn't he have a better mastery of the language by now? Oh, and I hate the all stars always backing up these guest singers. They always looks completely out of place.

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